Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Charoset Hoffman Style

-approx 2 bags ground ground filberts
-approx 2 bags ground almonds almonds
-10 Macintosh Apples, peeled (or unpeeled, in theory)
-Manishevitz Malaga wine or Kedem Grape Juice

1. Peel & quarter apples, put in food processor to make little strings or cubes
2. mix everything in bowl, to taste; it should have a moist appearance, not have a grainy consistency. If this occurs, you added too much nuts, and should add more apples and wine
3. we usually use most of a 32 oz Malaga wine in the recipe

a. you can also mix the wine and grape juice for a less intoxicating mush
b. be careful driving after eat a lot of'll make your Blood Alcohol Content rise and may impair driving reflexes. 5 oz of (wine) alcohol takes 1 hour to leave you system.. No amount of any other food or water will hasten this. :)

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